Hello! So as some might have seen these few days, I've been trying to actually build this site. For information, this is the last version before what it became today:

Rather empty isn't it? (Ok well this is still a bit empty but ignore that) Now this isn't the first time I've touched HTML or anything related, due to school projects or any personal stuff, but this is my first real big project. Onto something else, what do you think is the first thing I worked on? The structure or maybe the look?

Nah randomizing the text in the tab was my first priority lol (did you notice it? If not go to the "Home" section and reload.). I actually stole this from the Mario Kart DS Players' Page. So feel free to steal it from me too. It shouldn't be too complicated (; ^^)

Last thing I'll talk about is the blog, I'm currently using Zonelets for this. Now I've actually decided to use it when I was like at half of finishing this, however it already comes with an already made template, and having many things that depended on one or another I couldn't merge it with my old work, so I had to throw it in the bin (I only lost like 15 mins actually I recovered pretty fast)

Thank you for reading this first blog and hope I can see you next time!